Blue Man Group
I’ve just got back in from seeing the Blue Man Group perform - and here is the proof!
So, what are these Blue Men all about?
Blue Man Group started (as far as I know - this isn’t meticulously researched) as a show at The Luxor Hotel in Las Vegas. I didn’t see them whilst I was there, forsaking their show for Penn & Teller’s show, which was nowhere near as entertaining.
As an aside, P&T were quite condescending towards the Blue Men and towards fellow magician Lance Burton, both of whom put on, IMHO, far superior shows.
The Blue Man show is one of those things that you’ll probably enjoy more, the less you know about what’s coming, so I don’t want to write too much about it here. I can safely say that it is one of the more unusual stage shows I have ever seen. I’m not giving too much away if I tell you that it doesn’t have any spoken words (by the cast, at least - the audience get plenty of lines at the beginning) and that it features three Blue Men. It also includes four band members, and a behind the scenes crew who help out with the effects.
It is very loud, with plenty of drumming and playing of unusual home made instruments. The Blue Men make liberal use of coloured paint and get the audience involved along the way. The show isn’t about anything. It is pure performance and entertainment. There are plenty of creative visual effects on the stage and in the auditorium and a thoroughly unusual climax to the show involving … well, really you’d appreciate it much more if you went along and found out for yourself.
This was definitely one of the most successful GigList events to date. I highly enjoyed the evening. After a bit of unavoidable last-minute shuffling around of tickets we ended up with ten of us turning up. In a nice little touch, the audience were told what a thoroughly decent bloke I was for bringing along a group of such nice people and were invited to chant “We love you Adrian”.
One little tip - Don’t turn up late, whatever you do!