Happy New Year 2006
Another year has been and gone, quicker than ever. We’re now into 2006 with hopefully more and more things to top last year.
I spent new year celebrating on board The Mercedes at a Masquerade Party on the Thames. Special thanks to Eva and Annabel for an especially well organised event. Everyone dressed up and wore a mask for the occasion. Ken, Mayor of London, kindly put on a fireworks show for us, too.
So, how about some New Year’s resolutions?
Well, I haven’t really come up with any yet, though I will be working on it. Bjorn’s beaten me to it with his.
Of course any time’s a good time to make resolutions. I’ve been going regularly to the gym for the last couple of months. I’ve had a quick break over Christmas but I’ll be back soon.
I’ll also be keeping up the Gig List. Several events are coming up soon, including Blue Man Group theatre trip, Henry Rollins spoken word, a private trip to see Children of Bodom with Tom and I’ve got tickets to see The Darkness next month, too.