World’s Biggest Band
My friend Paul’s rudely named band, “Gloryhole”, claim to be the biggest band in the world. I can’t find anyone to contradict them - even The Polyphonic Spree only come in close at “about 29 members, we sort of lost count”.
Gloryhole’s “32ish” is a bit of a cheat ‘cos they don’t all play at the same time. Still, it is quite an achievement getting that number of people together to put on a gig. And it’s the quality that counts.
The band is Paul’s brainchild and this event was their annual gig, held in celebration of Paul’s 40th birthday. With so many band members, they were pretty much guaranteed a big turn out. The maths of each member inviting two friends who invite two others gets big, pretty quick.
Gloryhole play cover versions of music from a broad genre spectrum spreading over several decades of rock. They’re clearly an enthusiastic bunch and put on a lively show for us all.
More pictures here.